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The BEEE presents
Coming Soon
About Us:
According to The United States' administration, we [the people] need to extend the right of Citizenship.
At Educate2Immigrate, our efforts are to refuel America by providing immigration education, language classes, and acclimation help.
Started in Miami Beach, FL (2005) by helping during the Bush Administration for those citizens in need to gain their drivers license. Educate2Immigrate has evolved to ensure the protection of immigrants that seek help and are seeking entrance into America, the citizens that are living here in fear, and those that are born citizens, wanting to help their relatives to gain their rights.
We are not Lawyers, Attorneys, Accredited Representatives - we are the ones [advocates] who have influenced the federal government to change their forms and accept what we do for all people!
Education. Not Deportation!
YCAG - Membership Group for Youths
Becoming a Naturalized Citizen
Free English Classes
Anchor 14
"Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists."
— Franklin D. Roosevelt

Becoming a Naturalized Citizen
Becoming a naturalized citizen of the United States grants you the same freedom of an American born individual.
It might be scary to begin the procedure and submit paperwork to the government - but we are not here to bring fear, we are here to educate and help you throughout the entire process of becoming naturalized. Anyone who is in American already deserves a true chance at freedom and the choice to become an American citizen.

Membership Group for Youths
YCAG is a cultural awareness group for youths.
"I think our students deserve textbooks that are historically accurate and not politically correct,"
Amy Jo Baker (
If you agree with this statement and you want to ensure that our children are being taught the truth in history and also learning how to live and love together please click here to help make this happen.

Immigrant Volunteer to Work
Educate2Immigrate is looking for translators, volunteers, and helpers for many of our events and projects! If you would like to know more information please fill out the form below.
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
— Martin Luther King Jr.
"Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English..."
— Theodore Roosevelt
Anchor 3

Anchor 4
Educate2Immigrate is always finding ways to truly UNITE the UNITED States, rather just being connected... If you have ways you would like to help with educating immigrants to have a better America, please email us at Subject: Educate2Immigrate
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Contact Educate2Immigrate

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